How can you help us? Easy! Social Media is the biggest tool we as indie filmmakers have to spread the word about our film. If you have seen our film, know anyone in it, or just plain ole' want to help our movie succeed then follow, rate, like, review, request Aguruphobia on all social media platforms. Use the hashstags #gurumovie or #aguruphobia so we can find you. We have a fun film, that does not have a major Hollywood film marketing budget, so it's crucial for you to help us spread the word. We appreciate it! The more people that know about our film, the more we can bring Aguruphobia to your town and to your home.
AGURUPHOBIA ON IMDB Rate our movie on IMDB, plus add it to your watchlist. Review it as well, however make sure not to spoil all the fun, wacky happenings in the film. As an indie film, it is through your help that would make Aguruphobia reach as many people as possible.
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